The Daily Feed Issue #43: Do this now to get more visitors.

Welcome to Issue #43 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. You can read previous editions of The Daily Feed on our blog but note that posts to our blog are delayed 24 hours or more.

The kind of advice I love is advice that's actionable and that will give me immediate results. Today I want you to do something very specific that will give you a boost in traffic. It's going to take about 30 minutes of your time. Here goes...

I want you to write a blog entry. The title should start with the text "The Top X..." and I want you to replace X with a number. It could be 5 or 10 but no more than 12. 

Here are a few example titles:
  • The Top 5 things you should know before buying a home [You can replace "home" with "car", "boat", "cellphone", etc]
  • The Top 10 Funniest videos on YouTube
  • The Top 7 Online Scams
  • The Top 5 most Beautiful People of all Time
Once you've come up with a great title, write the blog entry and include a well researched list of items. Embed photos or videos if that is the list you're making. Include links to sources if you can. Make it a list that's worth looking at.

Then I want you to post your shiny new blog entry to your favorite social bookmarking sites. Here is a list of the top social bookmarking sites with their pagerank.

Once you've done that I want you to visit your favorite online discussion forums and post your blog entry there. 

Then I want you to tweet it and post it to Facebook. 

Once you've done all that, I want you to grab your favorite beverage, kick back and see what happens. Don't forget to email me with the results if you do get a nice bump in traffic. Don't forget to install our free Live Traffic Feed so you can see your new visitors arriving in real-time. 


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO. 

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