The Daily Feed Issue #44: Pithy points on better writing

Welcome to Issue #44 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. You can read previous editions of The Daily Feed on our blog but note that posts to our blog are delayed 24 hours or more.

Today I'm going to share a few of my favorite blog entries on writing great blog posts. 

  1. Make your opinion known
  2. Link like crazy
  3. Write less
  4. 250 Words is enough
  5. Make Headlines snappy
  6. Write with passion
  7. Include Bullet point lists
  8. Edit your post
  9. Make your posts easy to scan
  10. Be consistent with your style
  11. Litter the post with keywords

And finally, with 11 ways to write better blog entries. In summary:

  1. Writing is a habit, not an obligation
  2. Read Read Read!
  3. Avoid cliches.
  4. Start and end with a Bang!
  5. Get feedback on your writing - and listen to it
  6. The more conversational the better
  7. First be consistent, then add variety
  8. Correctly use conjunctions 
  9. Comment on your own posts
  10. Write somewhere quiet where you won't be distracted
  11. Create an outline for your blog entry using keywords and key ideas in notepad or wordpad before you start writing
Have a great weekend and don't forget to write at least one blog entry before Monday.


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

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